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Start a daily habit of reading the bible and make it through in One Year. 

To read using a 5-day per week plan and your Bible, click the link below:

Printable bible reading plan

To read on your device with the You Version Bible app, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the You Version bible app (from your phone's app store)
  2. Once you're in the Bible app, to to "plans" and search for plans that contain "one year bible"
  3. Choose a plan and hit "start." A few recommendations are highlighted in the image and below is a brief description of them:

Bible In One Year with Nicky Gumbel - Classic:  this includes a 5-10 minute devotional written and narrated by Pastor Nicky Gumbel, followed by reading which combines old and new testaments.

The One Year Bible:  this is a daily reading plan that includes two old testament and two new testament books each day.

The One Year Chronological Bible: this is a daily reading plan that goes straight from Genesis to Revelation.